About This Game Synonymy is a non-profit, educational word game narrated by Richard Dawkins where players are challenged to find a path between random words through their network of synonyms. By taking the synonym of a word, and then a synonym of that synonym, and so on, you can ultimately arrive at any other word in a language. The game supports multiplayer, and weekly challenges in which users can compete globally on set start and end words. Every time a path is uncovered by a user, it is tweeted from @synonymygame and posted to our Facebook page. All profits go to educational charities. A visualization of the game's network can be seen here -- http://tinyurl.com/med6g8b -- In order to compute relative distance, all synonyms were mapped using 3d graphing software, as if each word were a planet that had a gravitational pull proportional to its number of relationships to other nodes. Above is a 2D representation of that model, a 40,000 x 40,000 rendering. Music by Daduk 6d5b4406ea Title: SynonymyGenre: Casual, StrategyDeveloper:Christopher Cinq-Mars JarvisPublisher:Christopher Cinq-Mars JarvisRelease Date: 12 Dec, 2014 Synonymy Crack Dll The enjoyable type of mind exercise present in Synonymy is something I appreciate more than what other types of games have to offer. The point of the game is to find a path to make connection between words. But beware - those paths are almost never clear and effectiveness depends on how many meanings you're able to imagine going backwards from a word. That, combined with a fair dose of intuition. Every time I keep discovering new words and it stimulates a great deal of thinking. At the time being, I haven't seen a more worthwhile word puzzle on this platform.. This is a great concept, but the game as it is leaves me with a nagging impression that the people who developed don't actually speak English. There are a great number of highly questionable "synonyms".Furthermore, the display seems to have a frustrating tendency to glitch outLastly the claim that the game is narrated by Richard Dawkins is patently false as there is no narration.. Synonymy is a game where you are given a starting word and you have to travel trough synonyms of synonyms trying to reach the goal word that you are also given at the start.The game has a difficulty selection, making it enjoyable to people of all ages. The easiest difficulty usually gives you very common words, where the paths are more obvious. But on the hardest difficulty, the words start to be a little more complex, not so common, making it challenging for older people. Since you can see the definition of every single word it's a very educational game - even for adults - you may learn a word or two that you didn't know before, specially on the harder difficulty settings.You probably won't play this game for hours and hours in a row but rather on short bursts of time several times.The game also features "seeds" (or pass-codes), a 5 character code that you and your friends can enter on the beginning of the game to ensure you have the same starting word and goal. That way you can compare your scores at the end.There's also a global leaderboard, where you can see the the score, starting and goal words of the most recently played games around the world, along with its pass-code in case you want to try the same challenge by yourself.I absolutely recommend it. It is very cheap too. Get it.. An interesting puzzle game that varies in difficulty during your seemingly randomly generated paths throught the pages of the virtual thesarus.Recommended for people who want to challenge their brain for a moment. Game can get tedious if you find yourself lost, but there are audio ques that help guide you in the right direction. If you are bored easily, there isn't much else to get you to invest time in the game. It's basically flipping through words until you find a word that you need. Not much in terms of gameplay, but entertaining nevertheless for those who want a mental excercise. The price is extremely cheap, $2 at the time of writing, so you aren't missing much after purchasing. Might as well, you or a family member might enjoy it! There is a multiplayer aspect that is explained in the trailer, and it's entertaining.. I can't recommend this game. It's true that I'm not exactly english for a start, so playing an english-based word game is tricky, but it doesn't matter, really. That game fails to do what it claims to do in the first place.The rules are simple : you're given a target word (say "Silence"), and given a starting word (say "Crash"), and a cloud of synonyms you can pick from. The goal is to get closer and closer to the target word by picking the right words from the words cloud. The thing is, there's not only synonyms in the cloud, but also antonyms, sometimes just analog terms (otherwise you wouldn't get very far)... but not always.So for example starting with "Crash", goind towards "Silence" you could expect to go through "Crack", then "Noise" or "Sound", and then choose the antonym "Silence"... but only IF the game knows that "Silence" is an antonym of "Noise". but when you get, for exempale, to the word "Real" you can choose "Lawful"... and also "Unlawful", but can't pick "Silence" out of "Noise".And there you have it : this game is not about knowing your english, it's about guessing what words are linked with what other words in the game's database. And without knowing what dictionary it was built onto, there's NO WAY you could play this game properly.This is more a data mesh exploration game than a word game. Therefore it is pretty bad. I know it's cheap, but that doesn't make it any better. This feels like work. Maybe one of the least fun games I've played. The interface is a very poor port from the smartphone game it started as, which, frankly, isn't very good to begin with (the sound of swiping between pages of synonyms gets grating very quickly, and with no options to turn it off, it really seems almost designed to keep people from playing it). Technical complaints aside, I don't know if this is inherently fun. It feels like a very poorly designed version of Scategories or something.
Synonymy Crack Dll
Updated: Mar 22, 2020